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Publikationen 2005 - 2009

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  Publikationen 2009

Michael Schmitt, Lars Biemann, W. Leo Meerts, Karl Kleinermanns:

Analysis of the FTIR spectrum of pyrazine using evolutionary algorithms.

J. Mol. Spectros. 257 (2009) 74


Ivo Kalkman, Christian Brand, Thi-Bao Chau Vu, W. Leo Meerts, Yuriy N. Svartsov, Otto Dopfer, Xin Tong, Klaus Müller Dethlefs, Stefan Grimme, Michael Schmitt:

The structure of phenol-Arn (n=1, 2) clusters in their S0 and S1 states.

J. Chem. Phys. 130 (2009) 224303


Ivo Kalkman, Thi-Bao Chau Vu, Michael Schmitt, W. Leo Meerts:

Structure and internal rotation in the S0 and S1 states of o-toluidine studied by high resolution UV spectroscopy.

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11 (2009) 4311


Thi Bao Chau Vu, Ivo Kalkman, W. Leo Meerts, Christian Brand, Yuriy N. Svartsov, Sascha Wiedemann, Rainer Weinkauf, Michael Schmitt:

The conformational landscape of 5-methoxytryptamine studied by rotationally resolved fluorescence spectroscopy and resonant ionization spectroscopy.

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11 (2009) 2433


Marcel Böhm, Jörg Tatchen, Daniel Krügler, Karl Kleinermanns, Michael G. D. Nix, Tracy A. LeGreve, Timothy S. Zwier, Michael Schmitt:

High-resolution and Dispersed Fluorescence Examination of Vibronic bands of Tryptamine: Spectroscopic signatures for La/Lb mixing near a conical intersection.

J. Phys. Chem. A 113 (2009) 2456


Marcel Böhm, Robert Brause, Christoph Jacoby, Michael Schmitt:

Conformational Relaxation Paths in Tryptamine.

J. Phys. Chem. A 113 (2009) 448

  Publikationen 2008

Michael Motsch, Markus Schenk, Martin Zeppenfeld, Michael Schmitt, W. Leo Meerts, Pepijn W.H. Pinkse, Gerhard Rempe:

Spectroscopy of the  Ã1A21A1 transition of formaldehyde in the 30140–30790 cm-1 range: The 210 430 and 220 410 rovibrational bands.

J. Mol. Spectrosc. 252 (2008) 25


Ivo Kalkman, Thi Bao Chau Vu, Michael Schmitt, W. Leo Meerts:

Tunneling splittings in the S0 and S1 states of the benzoic acid dimer determined by high-resolution UV spectroscopy.

ChemPhysChem. 9 (2008) 1788


Thi Bao Chau Vu, Ivo Kalkman, W. Leo Meerts, Yuriy N. Svartsov, Christoph Jacoby, Michael Schmitt:

Rotationally resolved electronic spectroscopy of water clusters of 7-azaindole.

J. Chem. Phys. 128 (2008) 214311


Yuriy N. Svartsov, Michael Schmitt:

Electronically excited states of water clusters of 7-azaindole: Structures, relative energies, and electronic nature of the excited states.

J. Chem. Phys. 128 (2008) 214310

  Publikationen 2007

Robert Brause, Michael Schmitt, Karl Kleinermanns:

Improved Determination of Structural Changes of 2-Pyridone-(H2O)1 upon Electronic Excitation.

J. Phys. Chem. A. 111 (2007) 3287


Robert Brause, Monika Santa, Michael Schmitt, Karl Kleinermanns:

Determination of the Geometry Change of the Phenol Dimer upon Electronic Excitation.

ChemPhysChem 8 (2007) 1394

  Publikationen 2006

Böhm, M., Ratzer, C., Schmitt, M.:

The structure of p-chlorophenol and barrier to internal -OH rotation in the S1-state.

J. Mol. Struc. 800 (2006) 55


Lee, Y., Kim, B., Schmitt, M., Kleinermanns, K.:

Observation of Ultraviolet Rotational Band Contours of the DNA Base Adenine: Determination of the Transition Moment.

J. Phys. Chem. A 110 (2006) 11819


Schmitt, M., Brause, R., Marian, C., Salzmann, S., Meerts, W. L.:

Electronically excited states of tryptamine and its microhydrated complex.

J. Chem. Phys. 125 (2006) 124309


Schmitt, M., Feng, K., Böhm, M., Kleinermanns, K.:

Low frequency backbone vibrations of individual conformational isomers: tryptamine.

J. Chem. Phys. 125 (2006) 144303


Meerts, W. L. und Schmitt, M.:

Application of Genetic Algorithms in automated assignments of high resolution spectra.

Int. Rev. Phys. Chem. 25 (2006) 353


Schmitt, M., Böhm, M., Ratzer, C., Krügler, D., Kleinermanns, K., Kalkman, I., Berden, G., Meerts, W. L.:

Determining the intermolecular structure in the S0 and S1 states of the phenol dimer by rotationally resolved electronic spectroscopy.

ChemPhysChem 7 (2006) 1241


Schmitt, M., Böhm, M., Ratzer, C., Siegert, S., van Beek, M., Meerts, W. L.:

Electronic excitation in the benzonitrile dimer: The intermolecular structure in the S0 and S1 state determined by rotationally resolved electronic spectroscopy.

J. Mol. Struct. 795 (2006) 234


Jacoby, C., Böhm, M., Vu, C., Ratzer, C., Schmitt, M.:

Probing the acidity of p-substituted phenols in the excited state: electronic spectroscopy of the p-cyanophenol-water cluster.

ChemPhysChem 7 (2006) 448


Schmitt, M., Krügler, D., Böhm, M., Ratzer, C., Bednarska, V., Kalkman, I., Meerts, W. L.:

A genetic algorithm based determination of the ground and excited 1Lb state structure and the orientation of the transition dipole moment of benzimidazole.

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 8 (2006) 228


Meerts, W. L. und Schmitt, M.:

A new automated assign and analysing method for high resolution rotational resolved spectra using Genetic Algorithms.

Phys. Scripta 73 (2006) C47

  Publikationen 2005

Brause, R., Krügler, D., Schmitt, M., Kleinermanns, K., Nakajima, A., Miller, T. A.:

Determination of the excited state structure of 7-azaindole water cluster using a Franck-Condon analysis.

J. Chem. Phys. 123 (2005) 224311


Myszkiewicz, G., Meerts, W. L., Ratzer, C., Schmitt, M.:

Structure Determination of Resorcinol Rotamers by High-Resolution UV Spectroscopy.

ChemPhysChem 6 (2005) 2129


Schmitt, M., Böhm, M., Ratzer, C., Vu, C., Kalkman, I., Meerts, W. L.:

Structural selection by microsolvation: conformational locking of tryptamine.

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127 (2005), 10356


Myszkiewicz, G., Meerts, W. L., Ratzer, C., Schmitt, M.:

The structure of 4-methylphenol and its water cluster revealed by rotationally resolved UV-spectroscopy using a genetic algorithm approach.

J. Chem. Phys. 123 (2005) 044304


Myszkiewicz, G., Meerts, W. L., Ratzer, C., Schmitt, M.:

Rotational isomers of hydroxy deuterated o- and m-cresols studied by ultraviolet high resolution experiments.

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 7 (2005) 2142


Schmitt, M., Ratzer, C., Jacoby, C., Meerts, W. L.:

Structure and barrier to internal rotation of 4-methylstyrene in the S0- and S1-state.

J. Mol. Struc. 742 (2005) 123